What I like about my tools, the cameras, is that they allow me to enter into different dimensions. And the dimension for me is a journey to a place, capturing all those images and bringing them back to where we are.

Multicultural background with substantial international experience in documentaries, dramatic films, miniseries, commercials, network promos and corporate videos.
"El Presidente"
El Presidente is a drama television series created by Armando Bó for Amazon Prime. It is based on the 2015 FIFA corruption case and is focused in the former president of ANFP Sergio Jadue, played by the Colombian actor Andrés Parra.
"Expressions of Life"
I like doing 'urban portraits' without asking people to pose. They are free to do whatever they like to do. It's more in the subjects' own environment, their own place where they feel more comfortable. I do not want to alter anything. I go by instinct first, I approach people on the street, have an informal conversation and then, from there, see if I can capture the portrait. There are many pictures, there are many subjects each one has its own character, own flavor, own personality.
"Na Syika Nda'vi"
The exodus of the indigenous Mexican people along the border between Mexico and the United States, is considered to be the most significant migration in the history of humanity by its magnitude.
"Journey to Redemption"
Homeboy Industries is one of the largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry programs in the country. Serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity for those seeking to leave gang life.
The Chilean Rodeo is the national sport in Chile which consists mainly of pinning a cow up against a padded wall. The riders are called Corraleras or Cowgirls and they have to perform this sport in their traditional clothes.
"Haitian immigration transformed Chile"
Although the phenomenon of immigration in Chile is not new, the rapid growth of the Haitian community has created many challenges for the Chilean government.
In 2015 I decided to move to California to do a fresh start so I quit my jobs and other projects to come the US to my father’s house. I was not completely aware about the size of that risk, I left behind my mother and brothers, my friends and colleagues and started from the bottom again
"Primer Sacramento"
La parroquia Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Angeles, conocida tradicionalmente como La Placita es sin duda la “cuna” de la Iglesia Católica en Los Ángeles, California.
“Faith: Divine Healing”
Rudy left El Salvador at the age of twelve, following that call to serve God. Without a wheelchair, there were many times when he had to make his way by crawling. He traveled throughout Central America alone by bus and ended up in Chiapas, Mexico. He claims God handed to him the keys to the border and cross in to the U.S.
"Triangulo Norte"
Estos jóvenes centroamericanos huyen de un verdadero infierno. Si regresan a él, fácilmente pueden morir a manos de esas maras o de la violencia en general.
"Rituale Romanun"
Aspiring Catholic priests may attend a seminary before ordination. Some churches, like the Roman Catholic Church, may require candidates to go to seminary for four years. A seminary program offers graduate-level coursework in subjects like Biblical studies, liturgy, ethics, pastoral studies, church history and preaching.
"Homeboy Art Academy"
“No matter where we are in our life, no matter what type of schedule we currently have, there is always a way to make a difference in somebody's life.”
"La Plata River"
La Plata River is both the world’s widest freshwater system and an estuary that drains the second largest basin in South America and the fifth largest in the world.
Modern architecture emerged at the end of the 19th century from revolutions in technology, engineering, and building materials, and from a desire to break away from historical architectural styles and to invent something that was purely functional and new.
“Empty Wells”
Life without running water in East Porterville, CA sheds light on just how many things require it. A historical drought is defying the inhabitants of this small community.
"Flying Doctors"
“The Flying Doctors”, is a volunteer-based, non-religious, non-profit organization that aims to improve the health and well-being of geographically diverse peoples through education and the provision of no-cost, high-quality medical, dental, and optometric clinics.
"Ñuu Savi"
Bringing attention to those who are deeply marginalized has been an inspiration to me. This work is about the Ñuu Savi or Mixtecos thier exodus and accomplishment. The exodus occurring along the U.S./Mexico border is the largest in the history of the world. The mexican indigenous people are integrated to this international migration process and the Mixtecos from Oaxaca are part of this. They aspire to a better life for themselves and their children.They sacrifice for the safety of their families and that sacrifice pays off. I met engineers,professors, attorneys, artists, pastors, enterprenuers.
"Colonia del Sacramento"
Founded by the Portuguese in 1680 on the Río de la Plata, the city was of strategic importance in resisting the Spanish. After being disputed for a century, it was finally lost by its founders. The well-preserved urban landscape illustrates the successful fusion of the Portuguese, Spanish and post-colonial styles.
"The Virtues of Color"
Like any other design element, exquisite use of color can provoke emotion and give the viewer something to think about.
"War Between the States"
The "Blue and Gray Civil War Reenactment" is conducted to educate the general public about the historical significance of the Civil War and its effect and influence on the history of the great nation of the United States of America.
"Color Constancy"
It is very important to obtain good lighting to create the quality of a shot. I keep lighting simple and I do not use more lights than I need.
"Te Pito O Te Henua"
In Hiva, Hau Maka had a dream in which his spirit traveled to a far country, looking for a new residence for his king Hotu Matua. His spirit arrived at three small islands (Motu Nui, Motu Iti, Motu Kao-kao) and a big hole (the volcanic crater of Rano Kau) on the southwest corner of Te Pito O Te Henua.
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